Wiesheu new ovens

Download description Slicer machine REGO HERLITZIUS

Wiesheu Minimat

Il piccolo forno da negozio ad aria calda per grandi mansioni

Piccolo nelle dimensioni, grande nelle prestazioni



Il forno ad aria calda più piccolo di WIESHEU ha un minimo ingombro. Con il serbatoio dell’acqua opzionale esso può essere utilizzato anche in maniera mobile.

Umidificazione a tubo

Rapida generazione di vapore con la giusta quantità di umidità.


Rapido caricamento di tre o cinque teglie per camera in trasversale.

230 V

Il forno da negozio con allacciamento da 230 V (per Minimat 43 S i 64 M).

Rapporti del flusso d’aria

Controllo intelligente grazie alla rotazione della ventola a destra e a sinistra, per una cottura uniforme.


Minimat può essere utilizzato in maniera facile e sicura dopo una breve formazione.

Area di montaggio

Il forno da negozio garantisce un’installazione flessibile. Persino e soprattutto dove c’è poco spazio. Grazie al bloccaggio di sicurezza esso può essere montato anche nell’area dei clienti.


Elementi costruttivi stazione Minimat Gli elementi in blu rappresentano i componenti minimi necessari, quelli in grigio sono selezionabili a piacere.  

Sistema di comando Manuale

Tasto On/Off
Tasto umidificazione manuale
Manopola timer
Manopola impostazione temperatura
Versione: Formato trasversale

Sistema di comando Comfort

Pannello frontale in vetro con selettore circolare sotto forma di campo tattile
Misura diagonale dello schermo 3,2″
32 programmi, ciascuno con 20 passaggi
Autoavvio pre-programmabile
2 Lingue
Programmazione tramite porta USB

Slicer machine REGO HERLITZIUS






  LEICHTER, BESSER UND SCHNELLER ARBEITEN MIT ROTEC BROTSCHNEIDEMASCHINEN: Mit der ROTEC-Serie von REGO HER-LITZIUS können auch ofenfrische Bro-te problemlos sofort perfekt geschnit-ten werden – und dies ohne oder optional auch mit Öl. Die Ölmenge der integrierten Messer-beölung ist in der Dosierung einstell-bar zwischen 0 und 100 Prozent. Mit diversen Zusatzfunktionen, wie dem Halbieren oder Aufschneiden nur eines halben Brotes sowie eine An-wahl der zu schneidenden Brotschei-benanzahl, kann die ROTEC jedem Anspruch gerecht werden. Die Aus-wahl der Scheibendicke zwischen 3 und 25 mm lässt darüber hinaus keine Wünsche offen. Ein sehr hoher Sicherheitsstandard ist obligatorisch und wird über eine mechanische Hauben-Verriegelung sowie eine kontrollierte Messerposi-tion via Winkelsensor realisiert. Die-se Technik ermöglicht ein optimales Timing zwischen den Start-, Stop- und Bremsfunktionen. Der hohe Anspruch an Hygiene wird bspw. durch einfaches und schnelles Reinigen von Krümelschubladen im Schneidraum sowie unterhalb der Messerposition unterstrichen. Das Produktprogramm der ROTEC- Serie umfasst auch eine Variante SB für die Selbstbedienung. Die Schnei-demaschine ist ideal für Shop-Syste-me, Discounter oder Filialbäckereien, in denen der Kunde das Brot selber schneidet. Auch individuelle Lösungen werden realisiert, wie z. B. eine besonders ge-sicherte Ausführung für Justizvoll-zugsanstalten.  

Bear Varimixer Ar 40

BEAR Varimixer planetary mixer Ar 40 with 3 tools

GOUET Proofer year 2008

GOUET Proofer year 2008 excellent conditions with magazin for trays and automatic charging on the tunnel oven.

New Multihead depositors mono

MONO Universal 3D-X Confectionery DepositorThe Ultimate Depositing Machine
Innovative equipment for traditional baking

Key Features:

  • — Suitable for Industrial Applications
  • — Available to Fit Trays 40cm, 45cm and 60cm
  • NEW 10.4” TFT Screen with 65k colours and faster processing
  • NEW upgraded processor – 4 times faster
  • NEW Combi-Hopper for Hard and Soft Mixes
  • NEW True 3D-X Depositing with Advanced Programming
  • NEW Available with 1,2 or 3 Colour Hopper System
  • NEW Wirecut Cookie Option
  • NEW Recipe Backup Facility on USB
  • NEW Software updated via USB
  • — Hard and Soft Mix Hoppers Also Available
  • — Stainless Steel or Plastic Gear Options
  • — 110mm Travel Height
  • — Programmes stored in internal memory rather than SD card
  • — Large Variety of Templates and Dies Available
MONO’s NEW Universal 3D-X Confectionery Depositor i truly universal in its application, incorporating genuine 3D depositing by the use of an additional X-Axis movement. The new industrial-standard Universal 3D-X features a depositing system which not only moves up and down over the moving conveyor belt, but also moves ACROSS the conveyor belt too! The combination of the conveyor movement from Left to Right, the hopper movement Up and Down essentially mean that an almost endless variety of shapes can be created with the use of a Standard Template. The traditional circular movements created with the use of a Rotary Template are now undertaken by the movement of the hopper and belt. Like the Universal, the NEW 3D-X Confectionery Depositor also features Picture Programming which streamlines and simplifies the whole product design process. A wealth of new innovative options and features, combined with the additional X movement elevate the Universal 3D-X to new realms of productivity and creativity

3D-X Depositing as Standard:

In addition to the 3D depositing available on the standard Universal machine, the 3D-X incorporates the additional X movement which enables it to make truly complex shapes in the flat and in the vertical. Complex shapes like Christmas trees, incremental spirals, pyramids, cones, letters, numbers etc. can be deposited with consistency and precision. When depositing these complex shapes using either our 2 or 3 colour hopper systems, the results can be absolutely amazing.

Tailored to Your Specific Needs:

The new range of Universal 3D-X Confectionery Depositors is available in a variety of guises to suit almost all business applications, providing a truly tailored solution to the most demanding confectionery needs

Download PDF description MONO Universal 3D-X Confectionery Depositor

MONO Universal Confectionery Depositor Our New Replacement for the Delta Depositor
Innovative equipment for traditional baking

Key Features:

  • — Suitable for Industrial Applications
  • — Available to Fit Trays 40cm, 45cm and 60cm
  • NEW 10.4” TFT Screen with 65k colours and faster processing
  • NEW upgraded processor – 4 times faster
  • NEW Combi-Hopper for Hard and Soft Mixes
  • NEW 3D-Depositing with Advanced Programming
  • NEW Available with 1,2 or 3 Colour Hopper System
  • NEW Wirecut Cookie Option
  • NEW Recipe Backup Facility on USB
  • NEW Software updated via USB
  • — Hard and Soft Mix Hoppers Also Available
  • — Stainless Steel or Plastic Gear Options
  • — 110mm Travel Height
  • — Programmes stored in internal memory rather than SD card
  • — Large Variety of Templates and Dies Available
MONO’s NEW Universal Confectionery Depositor has been introduced to replace, and surpass, the much loved Delta Confectionery Depositor, which has been in loyal service for over 20 years! The new industrial-standard Universal incorporates the very latest touch screen technology ensuring designing even the most creative and demanding shape is simple and intuitive; unlike the Delta, the new Universal features Picture Programming which streamlines and simplifies the whole product design process. A wealth of new innovative options and features elevate the Universal above the lofty heights originally achieved by its predecessor.

3D Depositing as Standard:

As you would expect from the Delta’s replacement, in addition to the standard type of depositing used to produce cupcakes, macarons, eclairs etc. the Universal is also capable of producing an almost inexhaustible range of intricate designs which mimic the time-honoured craftsmanship of the most skilled Confectioner. Complex shapes like square and round nests, hearts and pretzels can be deposited with consistency and precision. When depositing these complex shapes using either our 2 or 3 colour hopper systems, the results can be truly amazing.

Tailored to Your Specific Needs:

The new range of Universal Confectionery Depositors is available in a variety of guises to suit almost all business applications, providing a truly tailored solution to the most demanding confectionery needs.

Your Choice of Sizes:

The Universal is available in three sizes 400, 450 and 600 to fit the industry’s most common tray sizes 40cm, 45cm and 60cm wide respectively. The 600 machine is also available for the very first time with a Wirecut option providing excellent throughput on a much larger tray.

Download PDF description MONO Universal Confectionery Depositor

The Ultimate Depositor – Creates Complex Shapes with upto 3 Different Colour Mixes


Further Examples of Products Produced on the  MONO Universal 3D-X Confectionery Depositor


Download PDF description MONO Universal 3D-X Confectionery Depositor Product Examples Fact Sheet


MHS Bread slicing machine


High quality guarantees
top performance

Made in Germany

Download PDF description

new square divider 10/20 pieces

✓ Built-in flour dispenser
✓ Managing tamping pressure and time
✓ Automatic tamping and cutting cycle
✓ Automatic dough decompression cycle
✓ Automatic raising of dough pieces on opening cover or grid
✓ Automatic grid holder fastening system
In-tank dividing up to 900 pieces/hour
Dividing-moulding up to 3000 pieces/hour*
*depending on the type of grid used
Automatic divider-moulder
For better degassi cutting pressure and tamping pressure.


Tank dimensions (LxWxH) in mm 460 x 387 x 125
Dimensions of pressing plates (L x W) in mm 115 x 75
Min/max weight of dough pieces in grams 150/950
Tank capacity in kg 19
Min / max weight in grams in 10-division position 300/1,900
Motor power rating in kW 1.5
Net weight in kg (including frame) 285
Managing tamping pressure and time
Automatic dough decompression cycle
Automatic knife retraction
Tank knife cleaning mode
Flour anti-splatter and recovery system
Stainless-steel bodywork, tank and knives


Motor type 230 V Three-phase
400 V Three-phase


10 / 20 divisions
Right or left-hand side grid storage
Half-grid pressure plate
Motor type: 230-380 V three-phase 60 Hz
Wooden crate packaging (net price)
Training, 2 days (net price)*

Erika Record Automat

Erika Record divider rounder logo

The classic one among the bun divider and rounders. Erika Record Automat

  • No warping because of a sturdy cast iron housing.
  • No oil in the working area.
  • Easiest production:
    Put the dough with the rounding plate into the machine – press the two-hand push button system and the machine works.
  • For easy cleaning the head can be tilted forward.
  • Because of the anti-adhesive coating it is possible to work with nearly every
  • Available in 10 different types.
  • Removable knife/piston for easy cleaning.
  • Made in Germany.


  • Machine on wheels (for easy cleaning underneath machine).
  • Adjustable time relay for better spreading of extremely tough
  • Bumper to protect the machine against jostles.

Download PDF description RECORD Automat 2010

Erika Record dough divider
Type Number of parts obtained Dough Weight Range in Grams
1 30 20-70
2 30 25-85
3 30 30-100
4 30 40-120
5 50 18-42
6 15 150-250
7 20 70-160
9 36 20-70
10 36 25-85
11 36 30-100